Alice – In search of Wonderland

Monday, March 10, 2008

Alice – stealer of things

Filed under: Uncategorized — Alice @ 5:39 pm
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Today I have stolen something. Well… almost. It’s not technically true, because I’ve merely taken something from my company that was free for taking, but many people had their eyes on and wanted. “I want, I want, me, me, me!!!“, said my head, so I just snatched the highly coveted item when no one was looking.  And when asked by one of my colleagues: “Did you see where that cool (x) went?” I merely shook my head and said: “No, is it gone? Must have disappeared off somewhere.” in a very cool and breezy way.

Now I’m a little bit ashamed… no, wait… that’s not right… Ah! I’m a little bit annoyed that I can’t use my swag in public. And that I can’t tell people about it, because it’s so mad cool! It’s a tiny guerrilla campaign, and I love those sort of things! Basically someone bought one of our products, turned it in to art, and snook it back in to the store without anyone noticing so that someone else might buy it. That’s why I haven’t really stolen it. It’s already been paid for once… Soooo increadibly cool, though!

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