Alice – In search of Wonderland

Thursday, June 19, 2008

child of my generation

Filed under: technology — Alice @ 10:21 pm
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I’ve moved us from facebook to msn. So far it’s going good. And although we’ve been chatting for an hour there has been no sexual referrences what so ever. Rare. This sort of half-anonymous communication usually makes people a lot bolder and a bit more wicked than in real life.

But Curly’s a pretty interresting guy. Found out that he’s soon-to-be 30, which I wouldn’t have guessed… Shit, I just forgot what he looked like. Wonder what that means. I could always log in to facebook and check it out I suppose. But what I should really be doing is pack, since I’m going back to my hometown for the week end and plan to give away most of my shoes to my best friend. Won’t be able to take them all with me to Hong Kong in a month or two anyways, so better just give them to someone who’ll love them.

We did decide to meet up the week after next, though, me and Curly. Some sort of jazz jam on a tuesday. If I didn’t know better I’d say it was a date, but either way… it’s gonna be fun.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ex boyfriends’ girlfriend

Filed under: life,love — Alice @ 10:05 pm
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As I am now severely addicted to the hateful facebook since I keep checking Curly’s status all the time (he’s discretely matching me, half replying to my status updates) I stumble upon, Elf’s, my first boyfriend’s page. He’s on a friends-list of one of our old mutual friends (or not so mutual as it turned out), and although I cannot see his profile I can, for some reason look at his photo albums as long as he’s tagged the mutual friend of ours…

My inner voyeur takes over and I click around, watching glimpses of his life and after a while I make the conclusion that one girl might be his girlfriend. She’s definitely pretty and she looks a little bit like I did when we were dating. Long brown hair, very natural look, cute, petite, smaller boobs that I have but her stomach is toned. And not toned as in “she probably works out” but just as in instead of smooth you can hint that she has some muscles under there. And. It. Drives. Me. Nuts. To the point that I put my shoes on and ran to the gym. “Why?” you wonder? Because as much as I know that I fall in love with people not because of their looks but because they’re fantastic human beings, I can’t seem to apply this on myself. In my head all guys are constantly comparing me to every girl they ever dated or just had a crush on…


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